Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Out of the Frying Pan--Dealing with False Teachers

How does the saying go? “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” I fear that is what I am about to do as I write this article. You see, there is a growing crisis in Christendom today, but it is a crisis few want to address. Attempt to broach the subject and you are immediately hit with responses like, “Who died and made you judge?” “You have no right to say (something negative) about any one else’s ministry.” And on and on the litany goes.

Because of this mentality false teachers have been able to not only safely enter the flock, but they find protection within the flock! The very people they are devouring are the people who scream bloody murder if anyone dares try rescue them. I am sorry, but there is something wrong with that picture.

Jesus warned his followers, "“Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned. " (Matthew 7:15-16, The Message)

Paul warned the church of his day, "I know that false teachers, like vicious wolves, will come in among you after I leave, not sparing the flock. Even some men from your own group will rise up and distort the truth in order to draw a following." (Acts 20:29-30, NLT).

The Apostle John wrote, "Dearly loved friends, don’t always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from God: test it first to see if it really is. For there are many false teachers around," (1 John 4:1, The Living Bible). Jude warned, "I say this because some godless teachers have wormed their way in among you, saying that after we become Christians we can do just as we like without fear of God’s punishment. The fate of such people was written long ago, for they have turned against our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude 4, The Living Bible). And, "These men are blemishes at your love feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm—shepherds who feed only themselves. They are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind; autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted—twice dead. They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever . . .These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit." (Jude 12-13, 19 NIV).

We could go on and on. Every writer in the New Testament says something about false teachers–there are, as far as I can tell, no exceptions. Yet today very few ministers or teachers or even lay-men are willing to identify the false teachers in our midst. We put up with what we should be putting out! The result is the Christian message has been so distorted that it is nearly impossible for the average person to recognize truth from error. The consequences of our current condition are many. Political correctness has replaced bold proclamation in many pulpits and a spirit of deception has invaded the pews. Those who have come to believe an illusion about the message of the Gospel quickly become disillusioned and many leave the church hurt and angry.

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