Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Effects of Evolution

“6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. 7 He gathers the waters of the sea into jars; he puts the deep into storehouses. 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. 9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.” (Psalm 33:6-9 NIV).

Today’s devotional is a little different, I’m going to get on my soap-box for just a moment. I don’t think anyone would disagree with me when I state that our world is in pretty sad shape these days. Here in Atlanta, for the last two weeks the headlines on the news every day has been one child shooting another. One in a drive by, one at a birthday party, another after an altercation, and the list goes on and on. It’s scary.

I also doubt that most who read this daily devotional would disagree that the church seems too helpless to effectively respond. We are spiritually emaciated. What has brought us to this condition? At the risk of sounding too simplistic, what has brought the world to its current state of heartlessness and the church to its current state of helplessness is the godless philosophy which disguises itself (very poorly I might add) as science, the philosophy of evolution.

Evolution is not an interesting side item. It is taught as fact in our schools and believed as fact by millions. The result is exactly what we are seeing in society today: hopeless kids trying to better their status by eliminating the weaker members of society. If you don’t think there is a link, you are willfully blind. (Look at the facts on the Columbine massacre or the more recent Minnesota killings). Here’s a synopsis of the major losses of each generation post WW II. The generations of the 50's lost their innocense, the generation of the 60's lost their authority, the generation of the 70's lost their love, the generations of the 80's lost their hope, the generation of the 90's lost their heart and, as I see it and the Bible reveals, the problem is going to continue to get worse. Here’s the interesting thing: each of those losses are directly linked to the growth of acceptance of evolutionary theory.

The reason by the way the church is helpless, is she has, by and large, compromised herself in regard to this important issue. There are those who actively support evolution on the mistaken belief that it is scientific and that the evidence that is suppose to be there is there (in other words they simply have believed the lie without looking at the facts) and there are those who don’t necessarily support evolution, but don’t think it’s important to discuss in a faith setting. As a pastor, I know that 90% of the people I talk with who have walked away from faith cite evolution as one of the key foundations for their abandonment of belief. This is not a simple side issue.

By the way, just for the “what it’s worth department” I’ve studied this subject fairly extensively I believe, and what I have found is that every few years the evolutionist has to change or modify his story in some form or fashion. I, as a Bible believing Creationist, have never had to change my story! Not once.

The Psalmist sees the created world as evidence of God’s creative power and calls mankind to humble reverence of the Creator. It is this direct link of realization and responsibility that chafes fallen man’s heart. Darwin expressed his desire to be done with such beliefs, and evolutionists and atheists everywhere have embraced evolutionary beliefs not because they make sense or have solid support, but rather because they have a desired end to be free from responsibility. The Psalmist saw the link. It’s amazing that we who profess to have a “higher understanding of things.” have failed to see that link. It is this truth that is the true missing link of evolutionary teachings.

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